Status Changed PSSI Congress, Persiraja Protest

General Secretary Persiraja Banda Aceh, Atqia Abubakar rate PSSI Congress, June 30, 2011 do not have to turn into an Extraordinary Congress (KLB). According to him, this step is wrong because, in Solo later congress is a continuation of Congress the previous.

This statement was delivered Atqia in a press conference at the Cafe Blooming, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, June 7, 2011. Atqia also asked the head of the trial Agum Gumelar more accommodative, open to feedback, and acting as a citizen of Indonesia.

"Congress in June 2011 PSSI is ordinary congress, because congress is a continuation congress May 20, 2011 so that no extraordinary congress. There is no request from the owner of the valid votes to hold an Extraordinary Congress," said Atqia.

"The ways Agum Extraordinary Congress who want the show back Agum want to dominate, to impose its position, and reject the aspirations of the majority owner of the voice," continued Atqia.

Earlier, Agum Normalization Committee chairman explained that Congress PSSI, 30 June 2011 is the Extraordinary Congress (KLB). This is in accordance with FIFA's decision. And if this fails outbreak, Indonesia will automatically sanctioned FIFA began July 1, 2011.

According Agum, nothing has changed on the congress agenda.Outbreaks continue to run a single agenda, choosing the general chairman, vice chairman, and members of EXCO PSSI period 2011-2015.

Atqia not received with this. One member of the Group of 78 that even the desire for Agum give an explanation of changes in the status PSSI Congress into Extraordinary Congress (KLB).

"If Congress medatang Agum force as an Extraordinary Congress, the decree could be the cause of the failure of Congress to come," added Atqia.

PSSI Extraordinary Congress will be held in Solo, June 30, 2011.This is the third episode PSSI Congress after two failures. First time held in Pekanbaru, March 26, 2011 and the second when held in Jakarta, May 20, 2011.

The failure of Congress PSSI episode II caused by the stubborn attitude of Group 78 and running mate George Toisutta Arifin Panigoro. Though both candidates are deemed not eligible and banned by FIFA to get ahead in the stock selection. (Adi)
• VIVAnews

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