SEO tips and tricks

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SEO tips and tricks
 August 4th, 2008 sumintar
Learning SEO is not endless, are many tricks tips SEO tips and tricks. But pakde only wear SEO Tip Hand Itching only. That itch that does not make an article every day, itching if not love neighbor's comment to the blog, if not itching to learn typing in and search for new knowledge.

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation, meaning ngawurnya is for our articles could well enter the ugliest front page to page 3, from search engines like,, or What is difficult? nor even easy. Cook anyway? yes, if you do not believe try to create an article whose title a long and a bit of its competitors. Examples?, Make it yourself if any of confusion I love the example "seo hands itch", it's generally not be guaranteed entry so the first page, and most of its own. Try to check at

Why is SEO so difficult?

SEO is so difficult when we aim was also targeted by millions of people, and keywords that we attach high value or high price of PPC keywords. And even more difficult is the short key words such as "marketing", "insurance", "trading", and other short keyword.

So what should I do?

My advice continues to learn and learn well, follow the developments, and try prakekkan every day with:
1. Create your blog has a google sitemap and submitted to webmater.
2. Update / post your blog every day or most ugly once a week.
3. Create dupliate articles that are not, or do not kopas, copy and paste from your blog / website, or have unique content.
4. Get me a backlink to high PR blogs,
5. Perform analysis of the keywords that you shoot. Use google tools.
6. Create your blog have good statistical data as well as facilities wordpress plugin from Google Analytics.

7. Do not forget also SEO gak ribet

Apasih SEO benefits?

The benefit is to index into a search engine and index it in the first page so people looking for relevant information. Of course you need to advertise more sodium absorption ratio (meaning cost) or free. And from that page people will click the link to your website. And disinah the main traffic, visitors to your blog will increase even alleged dikuar you can have thousands of people every day. What are the benefits of traffic? you try to ask on the swaying grass .... (Kekekeke huk, huk pakde cough).

Pakde Farmers only need 3 months, so this blog really can compete in terms of pro SEO with blogs, blog of the local masters (cooked anyway?). If the terms of the content or the content of this blog is guaranteed suck. But pakde still champion, that would champion the lemes, meaning that the targeted keyword is a local language support, Indonesian language, not language Londo.

Pakde only the message, if sampean was able to whiz out of the cage, with SEO for keywords in English, please pakde taught (kekekeke). Loh kok actually learn? Well here's a tip and tricks to learn SEO.

Screenshot Results this post

pakde check pakde least 20 minutes after posting an article on nor indeed did get the first page Results 1 - 10 of about 122 000 search results. But do not like it, some days can go down, because more and more competitors.
Tip dan Trik SEO

It's just for starters pakde?

Yeah, right once, when the master read-this will certainly mesam mesem, pakde this science really inconsequential dikasihkan others let alone the science of SEO. Pakde replied: Well how else usually pakde only this, what pakde old man and a peasant village who do not can what what, what may not blogging? pity is not it?, walah why even asking for pity. PD wrote pakde, blogging while not prohibited by the government.

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