Parallel to the Indonesian Already BRIC

World marketing expert, Philip Kotler, regarded Indonesia is lined with groups of new economic powers, BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). With economic growth continued to drive, according diq, BRIC should be coupled with the letter I (Indonesia) to BRICI.

Besides the industrial sector, one of Indonesia's economicstrength lise in the toursim sector with its icons, Bali. Kotler assess Indonesia's tourism industry needs to propagate the benefits of tourism to communities in other parts of the country. Indonesia should be able to create an exciting and memorable slogan that can describe the beauty of nature in the country.

Some observations and proposals Philip Kotler was delivered in a special interview at Four Season Hotel, Ubud, Bali a few days ago. Kotler this time it came to Indonesia with the intention of formalizing the Museum Marketing 3.0, which is marketing the museum's first and only world.
Here are excerpts of an interview with Philip Kotler

What is your response about Bali?

Bali has successfully managed the special quality of service and the special culture and then turn it into something fun travelers. Bali tourism has been satisfying travelers by presenting the benefits of what they are.

Bali has had the capacity to manage tourism and travelers. They should be able to ensure that Bali has sufficient accommodation and hotels for tourists. One thing that becomes a problem is congestion because Bali is not able to add more roads.

Perhaps, Bali has to decide what type of desired destinations such as tourists. The main difference from the world's tourist activity is located in the tourist-class and ordinary tourists.

Tourist-class are those that come with quite a lot of money, best facilities, and residence in a long time. This is the best tourist type.Meanwhile, ordinary tourists are those who come for 1-2 days and she just wants to look around.

If I become manager of Bali, I will very carefully decide this. For sure I will target tourists who are seriously want to stay here, spend money and learn the culture he saw.

In your opinion, what kind of tourists that are suitable for Bali?
I suspect, Australian tourists who come to Bali to enjoy the nightlife and beaches. They are the type of tourists who want to spend time playing golf, beaches, and fun. There is also the type of tourists who come to enjoy cultural attractions such as museums or see etnographi.
Perhaps there are tourists who come to Bali and consider Bali as the second or third home for them. Currently there are about 4-5 types of travelers. We used to mention the three segments of tourism.

Bali during this never restrict tourists to come, but the Balinese have to make the approach more.

For example, maybe Bali should be more targeting tourists from Germany or France. If only rely on tourists who come to see it, maybe Bali must hold a promotion for mixing origin of tourists being targeted.

I just knew, when many German tourists who come, they will notify residents of other German and finally Bali will get a lot of German tourists.

But if you do not like it, Bali could just bring in a variety of tourist and it's slow growth.
Since Bali has many interesting culture, you should find out which countries are very concerned with the cultures of interest. For example, German and Scandinavian tourists known to walk to various parts of other countries to learn a new culture.
You will not bring many tourists from South America to learn about the culture. They usually come for something else.

This means that Indonesia must make target tourists?
Yes, so you have a lot to hold a promotion, was also examined to find out how much they are interested in cultural tourism, how much money will they spend, and how long they will stay here.

If someone is interested in Bali, where else they consider to travel?Are they going to think about going to Hawaii, Fiji or Thailand?Maybe you can learn from existing competitors.

How is your response to tourism from these countries?
You know, I think Thailand is popular tourist destination with travelers ever visit. However, due to political disputes about where the old man wanted to return to power, travelers are feeling less secure.
This also happens when the tourists feel less safe visiting Bali when the bomb was first exploded in Bali. But I think the tourists feel safer.
It's important to know, for fear of hurting Bali. So it's important to have policies and security are maintained.

I think the current tour of Asia has been popular for Americans, seen the number of tourist visits to Vietnam, possibly Cambodia, Laos, and Burma. So you have to know what happened to the tourism sector in different countries is to find out what they want.

You do not want want the same type of tourism to attract tourists who had gone to Cambodia. It's a different type of tourist. I think many things are forgotten about Bali.

I think many U.S. citizens who know the name of Bali, but they do not know much about Bali. Latest film titled Eat, Pray, Love for the first time raised the name of Bali to the big screen.

Actually I wanted to lift the film industry, or maybe invite filmmakers from Hollywood to make her romantic film set in Bali.
This step is carried out by Hong Kong's success, I forgot the name of the title of the film, apparently starring William Goldwin or another. A famous story about Hong Kong, a story of love, I want to make a movie like that with the background of Bali.

If you asked the general, mention three things about Bali, what would they say? One party may be they say, Bali is an island. But I wonder, do they say Indonesia. I'm not sure many people on the island of Bali in Indonesia.
Even Julia Roberts in one interview said that in the holiday to Bali, never mentions this island in Indonesia. (Tertawa. ...)

Back again, so three things they might say about Bali, the island first. Second, I'm not sure what they know Bali is known as peduduknya predominantly Hindu. The third one is about, ... a nice beach.

You are elected as honorary citizens of Bali, how do you suggest?
First, I have to say this, I'm the ambassador of Indonesia to the field of tourism. Second, I now hold the key to the city of Denpasar.
I feel flattered and enjoy a pleasant afternoon yesterday with hundreds of people waiting for the event to hear the speech from the mayor and my speech.
After being a citizen of honor, if you are not interested in following in the footsteps Anthonio Blanco, stay in Bali?
Indeed, yesterday I also visited the Museum Anthonio Blanco and I think he is a master artist and one we should know more soon.
Blanco is as good as Dali (Salvador DalĂ­ Domenech Felip Jacint) in which the Spanish government gave the award to him. Work Monday Blanco is very unique because he not only painted but also frame the situation.
I also met with Mario Blanco, his son, and he was very genuine and loving. He was also able to create a painting like a true artist, like his father's paintings. So, it seems that the painting passed by his son Antonio Blanco.

What is your proposal for Bali and Indonesia generally, in developing the tourism industry?
First, to Indonesia, I assess in this world there are five, not four, countries emerging countries. Four other countries are Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC). It should be replaced by the term BRIC BRICI, with the last words I refer to Indonesia. Furthermore, people will start to find out, who was Indonesia?

Second, Indonesia needs more publicity about economic growth.Your country is currently growing an average of 6-7 percent per year and this can make people seem to know that Indonesia's economy grew stronger. Even when compared to the United States that limited growth.

You know the question for tourists not only impress on Indonesia in the past, too many people now say about Indonesia.
I want to ask, what are three words that could be said to describe the Indonesian people? possible, countries in the Pacific, countries in Asia, a country with many islands that reach 19 thousand islands, and many residents. Those are some things that they know about Indonesia.

So, one part of the problem is how to provide various views that are not only interesting but also impressive.

Now I want to again ask, what is interesting and impressive from Indonesia? First, the average economic growth. Second, the leaders of the ASEAN community, the leadership of the 9 countries where the people of the world have about other countries. They know Thailand and other Asian countries, and Indonesia are the leaders. Third, Indonesia is safe and progressive.

The problem now, because of the conflict between religion makes some people question whether Indonesia is safe.
Indonesia is an open country, the world community should know that Indonesia is a democratic society and he has a variety of different things to all people both in Java, Sumatra, Bali, which is owned by everyone.

Maybe Indonesia should use a publicity agent to create the idea of ​​Indonesia.

How is your assessment about tourism in Indonesia?
Is your tourism terlau small or too big? Is Indonesia tourist arrivals too much or too little? You are already exceeding the target set visit, but that was not enough.
The capacity for tourism in Indonesia is actually greater than the targeted figures. Although recognized Indonesia (Bali) also do not want excessive tourist arrivals.

Indonesia certainly want the tourists can travel to other regions, not just Bali. This can make the Bali tourist does not get overloaded.

What is your purpose to establish a museum marketing?
I am very excited about the opening of the Museum's Marketing 3.0. The reason I hope this can change the bad perceptions about the marketing community. Admittedly, there is evil and good marketing, too. For example, good marketing will not sell cigarettes.

Similarly, this museum, we hope people will come to this museum with a variety of curiosity. Museum what it is, what is a museum marketing? I do not know much about marketing and I want to go in and look around. Well, when they come out of this museum, they will have a new thinking about marketing.

I imagine the visitors who come will say, "Look at this product which has helped us, make life better, healthy meal, and others." Or there will be visitors who say, "Look at the way marketing communication products made from this example tageline Nike with "Just Do It". You know, things like that that we want from this museum

So I think visitors will come out of this museum with a good feeling about marketing. Maybe some of them think to learn about marketing.

Maybe in book marketing 1.0 marketing focused on product marketing, Marketing 2.0, which makes people feel bound by a particular company. Marketing 3.0 is the marketing that makes people impressed with a company that is considered will help their lives.
Why did you choose Bali?

Bali is the island of 3.0, because here we mengenail term People (society), Planet (Earth), and Prosperity (prosperity), or abbreviated as 3P, that others would want.
In Bali, there is also a palace of the royal family of Ubud, with three brothers. The kingdom was fathered by a great king who can bring in Blanco, which paved the way for the entry of art. Not only puppets, or dance but art. The people who were brought to Bali this has contributed a lot in Bali.
Bali is an island that has an open society and love each other and are very concerned at the royal family. With a variety of reasons why I chose to establish a museum here.
• VIVAnews

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