Israel Will Prevent Fleet Assistance to Gaza

The Israeli government will stop the fleet of aid to Gaza which is planned to sail at the end of the week. Israel argues it is done for the safety of their people from attack Palestinians in Gaza.

Quoted from page Haaretz, Thursday, June 30, 2011, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel has the right to do so. Deterrence, he said, is done to prevent the weapons involved were smuggled into Gaza.

"Israel has the full right to stop the smuggling of missiles, rockets and other weaponry to the hideout Hamas (Gaza). Hamas is the real enemy, which will destroy our cities and kill our children," said Netanyahu.

Departure of the fleet assistance mission named "Freedom Flotilla II - Stay Human 'plan will be done on a few more days. This fleet is the second fleet after fleet earlier last year was stopped by Israeli soldiers in international waters. Dozens of Turkish activists were killed in this incident, some Indonesian journalists were also injured.

As in previous years, the fleet was 10 ships trying to break Israel's blockade to provide relief to the people of Gaza. Several activists from Indonesia, Mer-C, reportedly also included in the 1000 activists who participated.

Not to mention leaving, some ship flotilla II has undergone tampering, allegedly by agents of the people of Israel. As a result of this incident, the day of departure into retreat. Luckily the damage can be readily found, if not, certainly many people who were killed.

"This is an assassination attempt. They destroy the ship propeller. This is a small vessel, if the propeller is damaged it will sink," said a spokeswoman for the activists, Raymond Deane.

• VIVAnews

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