Garut Pyramid Older than the Pyramids of Egypt

Ant - Ancient catastrophic team discovered startling facts in connection with the mystery of the pyramid Garut, West Java. From the results of carbon-intensive research and testing confirmed that the life of the building is buried in the mountain area of ​​Garut older than the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt.

Ancient catastrophic team had previously conducted intensive research over an alleged pyramid-shaped building in the Village Sadahurip, near Wanaradja, Garut, West Java.

"From a mountain in which there is a building resembling a pyramid, having studied intensively and carbon dating tests, certain age older than the Giza Pyramids," said Andi Arief, Special Staff of President of Social Affairs and Disaster Assistance, in a written statement on 20 November 2011 .

Just for the record, the Pyramids of Giza pyramid is known as the oldest and largest of the three pyramids at Giza necropolis. Pyramid is believed to be the tomb of Pharaoh, the fourth dynasty of Egypt, Khufu, built for more than 20 years during the period around the year 2560 BC.

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