Expand Friends To The Great Brain


YouTube - Feel free to add a friend on Facebook. Not only enlarge your network of friends, there are other advantages that can be obtained. In fact, more and more friends on Facebook, the bigger your brain.

The research team consisting of a neurologist at University College London found no correlation between the number of friends on Facebook with the size of certain areas in the brain.

The study, published in the Journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences study involved 125 students who are actively using Facebook.

Brain scans were performed and the result is an image of the brain condition in detail. Known, the area of ​​the brain like the amygdala, associated with social skills, emotional reasoning and understanding, more gray looks at students who have a lot of friends on Facebook.

"Social networking sites have a major influence, now we understand its effect on the brain," says Professor Geraint Rees, one of the researchers, quoted from the NY Daily News.

Most likely, according to Rees, there are other factors that drive changes in brain structure and is associated with a number of friends. Although the effect is not too big but can be little question of how the internet effects on the brain.

"The significance is not so much, but it gives us a way to answer the question of how the Internet is changing our brains," said Ryota Kanai, author of the study.


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